Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year and a New Beginning

In general, my experiences with new year's resolutions have made it clear that what I resolve to do has very little to do with reality. In fact, the things that I resolve to do , almost always set me up for failure because these resolutions have very little to do with self-improvement but instead have more to do with measuring my life with its shortcomings and flaws against some unattainable ideal. This year rather than coming up with a list of resolutions which would be moot by the end of January, I have decided to focus on an overarching theme of "facing my fears." Specifically, I have decided to face my fears about writing. I have decided that this is the year that I stop listening to everyone that says that writing is not a viable career. This is the year that I turn off the voice of self-doubt. This is the year that I take the leap. What do I have to lose? Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where and When to Write

Like many people, the question of where and when to write is one that I face everyday. I go back and forth regularly on this issue. I am working to establish a regular five day a week writing schedule. One strategy I have employed is to focus on writing for an hour as soon as I get up (and make coffee)! This concentrated spurt of writing is a time to hash out new ideas, draft chapters, and to simply get some thoughts down on paper and ultimately provides me a blueprint of the day. The one major obstacle to this plan is internet access (surfing the web, reading blogs, email, etc). For one week in December I kept track of my normal internet use. I was shocked to learn that I spent almost 15 hours on the Web. 15 hours---almost two work days! This information has scared me straight as a result I have decided on a new email/internet approach. First, I will not check email until 10am AFTER my morning writing stint which prevents me from squandering what experts argue is the most productive time of one's day. Second, I will only check email twice a day. at 10am and at 8pm. I discovered that I on average check email at least four or five times a day spending approximately 5-10 minutes each time answering email and/or instant messaging various people that I see that are online. I would like to say that this instant messaging involves profound thoughts of some sort but unfortunately it is the "what are you doing" variety. (I have also resolved not to enable my other fellow writers in wasting time.) Limiting email to two discrete times a day will hopefully help me allocate my time more efficiently. Plus, does one really need to respond to email within the hour? Third, I will only blog and read blogs after 8pm! More postings to come on my new writing plan!

The issue of where to write is just as crucial. Writing at home with coffee in my pajamas or leaving the house? Given my weakness for the internet, despite my best intentions, it is sometimes more productive for me to leave the house. I am well aware of the cliche factor of the writer and the coffeehouse especially in Los Angeles. However, fate smiled kindly on me and and Intelligentsia Cafe opened in my neighborhood. Fabulous coffee that I can afford to buy on my meager income on a daily basis, indoor and outdoor seating, and most importantly---no wifi!